Terms of Endearment: Knitting and Crochet Blog Week Day 5 - 4KCBWDAY5

Print out the puzzle and spend some quiet time solving it. 
Photo by John Althouse Cohen through Creative Commons. 

Note:  Zombies are no good at knitting, nor, apparently, are they too talented at creating crossword puzzles.  The puzzle that was here yesterday had several errors I discovered this morning.  I'd created it on Friday night, after completing a busy work week and attending my younger son's Friday evening drama performance.  Today's puzzle posting is cleaned up, and I believe error free.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

It is nearly the end of the school year, and I'm tired and befuddled.  The heavy pine pollen in North Carolina that deposits a soft green film on my windshield seems to have clogged my thinking as well.  Early this morning I posted my response to the topic for Day 6 of Eskimimi's Knitting and Crochet Blog Week--only to realize later that today's Day 5--the tricky assignment to do something different.  (I'll repost the Day 6 tomorrow.)

This afternoon, after a long week of dealing with antsy teenagers hit by spring fever, I attempted to create a video for today's contribution.  The Ipad camera and Imovie app worked just fine, but a dragged out teacher with too many lines around her mouth from scowling at students while admonishing them to READ and STUDY all week long didn't make for a very appealing video.  So here's a little something instead--a crossword puzzle featuring knitting terms.  Click HERE to access the PDF.  When I have more time, I'll see if I can't find a more interactive puzzle program, so young knitters who eschew pen and paper won't be put off. 



  1. Fun! I love crossword puzzles. And knitting. Great way to incorporate both!

  2. What fun! Going to print this off and do it over breakfast! I like doing crosswords the old fashioned pencil and paper way! "Antsy" is such an accurate description of teenagers! Covers all manner of nuances! Have a good weekend, Liz! E x

  3. What a beautiful blue bottle!


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