Free Pattern - Manhattan Head Wrap

Ironically enough, last weekend, during my visit to Vogue Knitting Live, I found myself on the street in Manhattan  without a hat.  Naturally, I own enough hand-knitted headwear to keep the heads of a football team warm (in a very colorful and eccentric manner, I might add), but Iā€™d only brought one hooded cowl with me to New York and neglected to wear it when  was walking a friend to the Port Authority.  There I was in the nippy January air in Times Square with freezing ears.  Fortunately, every street vendor seemed to be selling cute knitted head wraps (or bands) with crocheted flowers on them.  I bought one, and when I returned home to North Carolina, I attempted to replicate the pattern.  I know that my wrap is not constructed in the puzzling way the one that I purchased wasā€”with funny grafted pieces meeting in the middle of each endā€”but I was ultimately happy with the results.  Iā€™ve only been knitting for three years, so this simple pattern is a baby step for me, towards developing the skills to create more complex patterns. 

The best thing about this wrap is that it is a true stash buster.  I was able to use about two-thirds of a skein of wonderful Baby Grande Alpaca that had been sitting in a trunk.  I love this yarnā€”itā€™s amazingly soft and lofty, but could never find anything I wanted to make using such a small amount. 

There are lots of ways that this band can be altered to add interest, adding a thick cable in the middle, for instance.  Iā€™ll post any future adaptations.


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